Elizabeth Laros
From the artist:
I drew a puzzle piece in the shape of Wellington North, with Mount Forest at the top, raised up to show its high elevation. The puzzle piece represents the amalgamation and unity to one township as named Wellington North.
I have included many different features and treasures of our community including: the Arthur Catholic Church, the old water tower, popular poppies, farming, animals, Copernicus Nature Reserve, Get in Touch with Hutch bench, Childhood Cancer awareness Wings, half of Luther Marsh, the Kenilworth schoolhouse, the Mennonite community, Mount Forest Post Office, water tower, Patriots Hockey, Green Legacy Tree Farm, fishing, trails including walking and biking, 7 Bridges Road bridge, and 3 birds flying at the same height to symbolize the past, present and future.
Also, for a fun community challenge, I have hidden the Wellington North logo somewhere in the drawing. Have a look!
Jennifer Baia
From the artist:
“North7” This design is to show various aspects of our communities; from our strong patriotism, to our farming culture, the Mennonites, the Fireworks Festival, and our luxurious habitats.
Natalia Skorupska

From the artist (age 11):
As a new resident to Mount Forest, I collaborated with my art teacher, Dot Cork, for the idea of this painting. A painting of the south end of Mount Forest based on a photo postcard circa 1913, showing Murphy’s Mill beside the old iron bridge. Done in acrylic sepia tones on watercolour paper and ink pen.