The Township of Wellington North is the Owner and The Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) is the Operating Authority of the Arthur and Mount Forest Wastewater Treatment Plants. Both treatment plants operate under Environmental Compliance Approvals (ECA's) issued by the Ministry of Environment, Conservation & Parks (MECP).
The Arthur Wastewater System is comprised of one wastewater treatment plant, two sewage pumping stations, effluent storage lagoons and a wastewater collection system.
The Mount Forest Wastewater System is comprised of one wastewater treatment plant, four sewage pumping stations and a wastewater collection system.
Inflow & Infiltration
Inflow and infiltration happens when water from the environment unnecessarily enters the wastewater collection system for treatment.

Did you know that a recent comprehensive evaluation of the Arthur Wastewater Treatment Plant indicates that per capita, flow of wastewater from the residents of Arthur exceeds the average within the Grand River Conservation Area by almost 2.5 times?
Here’s what you need to know about Inflow and Infiltration: