Arthur and Mount Forest Summer Day Camp
2025 marks our sixth year offering the Summer Day Camp program to members of our community and to our visiting friends as well. Camp runs weekly June 30 - August 22, 2025, with our daily activities geared towards the session themes. Your child will participate in various games, crafts and activities. Registration will open on April 1 at 8:00am and is based on first come, first registered. If you are not successful in securing a Day Camp spot upon registration, we encourage you to sign up for our waitlist.
There are a maximum of 32 spaces available per week, per camp, in addition to 15 spaces reserved on the waitlist. Based on past experience, there is a good possibility those waitlisted may be moved into the program closer to the start date.
Hot dog and Pizza Lunches: The Township is excited to announce that pizza and hot dog lunches are included in the cost of day camp this year. If you have any dietary restrictions, please let the site leader know and indicate it on your parent package. Hot Dogs are scheduled for Wednesday and Pizza day on Fridays. We recommend that campers continue to bring heathy snack and drinks for nutrition break.