Get In Touch
7490 Sideroad 7 W, PO Box 125
Kenilworth, Ontario, N0G 2E0
Send us an email
Phone: 519-848-3620
Toll-free: 1-866-848-3620
Fax: 519-848-3228
Our Hours
Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm
There is a drop box at the front door available 24 hours.
Department Contacts
Andy Lennox - Mayor
alennox@wellington-north.caPenny Renken - Ward 1 Councillor
prenken@wellington-north.caSherry Burke - Ward 2 Councillor
sburke@wellington-north.caLisa Hern - Ward 3 Councillor
lhern@wellington-north.caSteve McCabe - Ward 4 Councillor
smccabe@wellington-north.caBrooke Lambert - Chief Administrative Officer
Ext: 4225
blambert@wellington-north.comTasha Grafos - Executive Assistant to the CAO
Ext: 4222
tgrafos@wellington-north.comAmy Tollefson - Manager of Human Resources
Ext: 4230
atollefson@wellington-north.comKarren Wallace - Director Legislative Services/Clerk
Ext: 4227
kwallace@wellington-north.comCathy Conrad - Deputy Clerk
Ext: 4221
cconrad@wellington-north.comBrittany Duncan - Business Support
Ext: 4242
bduncan@wellington-north.comJoelle Smith - Business Support
Ext: 4250
jsmith@wellington-north.comJerry Idialu - Director of Finance/Treasurer
Ext: 4232
jidialu@wellington-north.comLaura Rooney - Deputy Treasurer/Tax
Ext: 4259
lrooney@wellington-north.comSamial Tunio - Senior Financial Analyst
Ext: 4217
stunio@wellington-north.comCrystal VanGerven - Finance Clerk
Ext: 4213
cvangerven@wellington-north.comAshley Culp - Finance Clerk
aculp@wellington-north.comTerra Fegan - Finance Coordinator
Ext: 4228
tfegan@wellington-north.comBuilding Inspections and Permit Inquiries
Ext: 5Darren Jones - Chief Building Official
Ext: 4462
djones@wellington-north.comBrian Corley - Deputy Chief Building Official
Ext: 4463
bcorley@wellington-north.comNatalie Jackson - Building Inspector
Ext: 4464
njackson@wellington-north.comEmma Bryan - Permit Technologist
Ext: 4465
ebryan@wellington-north.comConstance MacKay - Permit Technologist (on leave)
Tammy Pringle - Development Clerk
Ext: 4435
tpringle@wellington-north.comMandy Jones - Manager of Recreation, Community and Economic Development
Ext: 4260
mjones@wellington-north.comTeena McKee - Business Support Administrator | Central Bookings
Ext: 4335
tmckee@wellington-north.comJessica Turnbull - Business Support Administrator | Central Bookings
Ext: 4335
jturnbull@wellington-north.comNick Brock - Recreation Supervisor
Ext: 4323
nbrock@wellington-north.comJennifer Van Dyk - Supervisor of Facility Services
jvandyk@wellington-north.comRobyn Mulder - Economic Development Officer
Ext: 4234
rmulder@wellington-north.comShelley LeBlanc - Community Recreation Coordinator
Ext: 4235
sleblanc@wellington-north.comMike Wilson - Community Development Coordinator
Ext: 4236
mwilson@wellington-north.comJanice Benson - Project Lead Seniors Programs
jbenson@wellington-north.comArthur Arena Staff Cell 519.321.1483
Mount Forest Staff Cell 519.321.9478Tammy Stevenson - Manager of Infrastructure and Engineering
Ext: 4629
tstevenson@wellington-north.comDeb Mitchelmore - Infrastructure Project Lead
dmitchelmore@wellington-north.comMason Bellamy - Development Technologist
Ext: 4342
mbellamy@wellington-north.comFor Roads inquiries, please call 519-848-3620 and select 6 for Transportation Services.
Dale Clark - Manager of Transportation Services
Ext: 4521
dclark@wellington-north.comAndy Morrison - Urban Supervisor
amorrison@wellington-north.comKurt Ferguson - Rural Supervisor
kferguson@wellington-north.comDan Farrelly - Roads Lead Hand
dfarrelly@wellington-north.comNorm McLellan - Roads Lead Hand
nmclellan@wellington-north.comCorey Schmidt - Manager of Environmental and Development Services
Ext: 4627
cschmidt@wellington-north.comSara McDougall - Compliance Analyst
Ext: 4628
smcdougall@wellington-north.comDarin Schenk - Water/Sewer Lead Hand
Ext: 4625
dschenk@wellington-north.comJohn Wilson - Water/Sewer Operator
jwilson@wellington-north.comGreg McCorquodale - Water/Sewer Operator
gmccorquodale@wellington-north.com519-323-1441 (non-emergency number)
Arthur Fire Station 103 Smith St
Mount Forest Station 381 Main St NChris Harrow - Director of Fire Services
charrow@wellington-north.comMarco Guidotti - Deputy Fire Chief Ext: 4721
mguidotti@wellington-north.comCallise Loos - Deputy Fire Chief