Building Permit Applications
A building permit is a license which grants legal permission to start construction of a project. It means that the Township of Wellington North has approved plans for any new structure, addition or renovation. Approved plans must comply with the Ontario Building Code, local zoning by-laws, and other applicable laws and regulations. Building permits regulate types of construction allowed in the community and ensure that building standards, zoning by-law requirements and fire and structural standards are met.
Apply Online
The Township of Wellington-North uses a cloud-based software called Cloudpermit so you can complete the entire building permit process online.
With Cloudpermit you can:
- Apply for building permits;
- Check the status of your building permit or building inspection;
- Schedule and cancel building inspections;
- Communicate with the building department with time-stamped messages throughout the entire process.
Cloudpermit Video
Review this video for information about how to submit
a building permit application through Cloudpermit.

Before submitting your building permit application, be sure to check all requirements for your building permit type, and review your property’s zoning requirements, conservation regulations, and other necessary approvals. Helpful Guides can be found below.
Cloudpermit Assistance
1. Once you log-in, select “Create New Application”
2. Create a Name for your project including the address and project description: Example: 123 Main St N – New SFD
3. Find your address using the search/map. Be sure that your information is valid, if an address is not yet assigned, it will not show up and you may not be able to apply yet.
4. Select the Building Permit icon, and then select the type of permit you would like to create.
5. Follow each step in submitting the required information/documentation. You will be contacted if there is outstanding information, or we have further questions.If you are unable to click “Submit”, you are likely missing documentation or information. Please contact us through the messaging function within Cloudpermit or contact us at Town Hall.
Use our document here (open pdf file) to help you get started in Cloudpermit:
- Create An Account
- Start a New Application
- Completing your Draft Permit Application
- Paying for your permit
- Requesting an Inspection
Dashboard – At any point you can return to “My Dashboard” page to see which application you have made and if the Township is waiting for information from you to process the application further.
Delete – You can delete your draft application at any time using the “Select Action” drop-down menu in the top right corner of the page.
If you need help you can visit Cloudpermit Support for answers to commonly asked questions. You can also contact our Building department at or calling 519-848-3620 ext. 5.
Apply In-Person or By Email
All building permit applications along with supporting documents may be submitted by email to or if you do not have access to email, you can visit the Municipal Office at 7490 Sideroad 7 W, Kenilworth, ON. Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm.
Note: One set of construction drawings are required if not submitting electronically.
Electronic submissions must be made in Portable Document Format (PDF). Plans, specifications, documents, and other information are to be legible when printed to scale.Drawings to be maximum size of 11”x17” and shall be complete, fully dimensioned and to scale. PDF submissions by email must have layers unlocked to permit mark-ups and additional notes by staff.
Frequently Asked Questions
Often the contractor will as part of their contract apply and obtain a building permit. Any person found constructing or demolishing a building or causing the construction or demolition without a permit could be fined.
The Building Code Act requires a building permit for the construction of any structure which results in a building of over 15 m² (160 ft²) including renovations, additions and alterations and includes plumbing not located in a structure, a sewage system and other designated structures.
A building permit is not required for a detached accessory structure that measures 15 m² (160 ft²) in area or less. Although your project may not require a building permit, you must still comply with the requirements of the Zoning By-law and Building Code requirements.
A demolition permit is required before you take down all or part of a building. The process is much the same as for a building permit; however, your application may be affected by special situations. For example, if a building has historical or architectural significance, it may be designated as a heritage building under the Ontario Heritage Act. Demolition will require Municipal Council's approval in your area.
Refer to Fees & Charges: Various Services By-Law, Schedule “B” (PDF) for most recent fees.
We accept cheque, cash, debit or electronic transfer to as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the building permit and building inspections.
Development Charges
Development Charges are collected to assist in financing capital projects required to meet the increased need for services resulting from growth and development.
Other Information
If you have further questions, please call 519-848-3620, Ext. 5.
Information Guides
Building a Deck Information Guide and Process
When is a building permit required for a deck?
- If the deck (new or replacement) is 24" high or greater above finished grade.
- A permit is also required if structural renovations will be made to an existing deck.
Drawing requirements for a building permit application
- A copy of the property survey or site plan of your lot.
- Please draw on location of deck with dimensions to lot lines
- Deck drawings (drawings to be to scale and dimensioned).
- Plan view showing posts, floor joists, beams, stairs, and landings.
- Foundation Plan
- Floor Plan (framing)
- Cross-section and detail of guards
- Lot grading, drainage and servicing plan, where applicable
- Fully completed application form
Cost of building permit
Refer to Fees & Charges: Various Services By-Law, Schedule “B” (PDF) for most recent fees. We accept cheque, cash, debit or electronic transfer to as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the building permit and building inspections.
Processing Time Line
Once a complete permit application is received, the permit will be reviewed within a maximum of 10 business days.
Required Building Inspections
Building inspections are booked a minimum of 24 hours in advance, by calling (519) 848-3620, Extension 5. YOU MUST QUOTE YOUR PERMIT NUMBER TO BOOK THE INSPECTION.
Required inspections include:
- Excavation/footing inspection – Once the holes have been dug, but prior to concrete being poured
- Structural Wood Frame inspection – Once the framing is complete (posts, beams, joists)
- Final Building inspection – When the deck and guard/railing are complete.
Additional Reference Material
Drawing Requirements for Building Permit Application
- Site Plan Drawing showing the following information. (For all categories listed below this box.)
- Building layout on farm showing farm building cluster
- Distances from roadways, lot lines, septic tank & bed, existing structures and neighbours residence
- Proposed site of new buildings
- Any water courses or municipal drains in immediate area
- Hydro lines - Show location, height and or depth of both overhead and underground lines
- Construction Drawings showing:
- Foundation plans
- Floor plans (one per floor)
- Floor and Roof Structural plans
- Elevation(s)
- Building Section(s)
- Wall sections and/or details, where applicable
- Mechanical drawings (plumbing and HVAC), where applicable
- Professional Engineer Stamp on drawings if building area exceeds 6,458 sq. ft.
- Conservation Authority (GRCA, SVCA or MVCA) approval if required for your project.
- Fully completed application form
- Commitment to General Reviews by Architect and Engineers, where applicable
For Barn (Animal Housing) – Additional Documents Required
- Minimum Distance Separation calculations (Farm Data Sheet) showing animal units existing and proposed location of tank on farm building cluster (Site Plan)
- Nutrient Management Strategy required
- Professional Engineer Stamp on drawings if building area exceed 6,458 sq. ft.
For Vertical Silos, Bunker Silos & Grain Bins – Additional Information Required
- Drawing showing proximity to other silos, i.e. to address soil/bearing capacity
- Type of construction (stave/poured concrete)
- Type of storage High Moisture Corn/Haylage, etc.
- Professional Engineer Design will be required
For Manure Tanks & Dry Manure Storage – Additional Documents Required
- Minimum Distance Separation calculations (Farm Data Sheet) showing animal units existing and proposed location of tank on farm building cluster (Site Plan)
- Any known field tile drains in vicinity of proposed Manure Tank Area
- Professional Engineer Design of Tanks
- Soils Investigation Reports
- Nutrient Management Strategy required
Cost of building permit
Refer to Fees & Charges: Various Services By-Law, Schedule “B” for most recent fees. We accept cheque, cash, debit or electronic transfer to as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the building permit and building inspections.
Processing Time Line
Once a complete permit application is received, the permit will be reviewed within a maximum of 15 business days.
Required Building Inspections
Building inspections are booked a minimum of 24 hours in advance, by calling (519) 848-3620, Extension 5. YOU MUST QUOTE YOUR PERMIT NUMBER TO BOOK THE INSPECTION.
Required inspections may include:
- Excavation/footing inspection (Once the holes have been dug, but prior to concrete being poured.)
- Substantial completion of footings and foundation prior to commencement of backfilling
- Structural Wood Frame inspection – Once the framing is complete (posts, beams, joists)
- Substantial completion of all Fire Separations and Closures and all Fire Protection Systems
- Substantial completion of insulation, vapour barriers and air barriers
- Final Building inspection – Completion of the project.
Additional Reference Material
- Site Plan Drawing showing the following information. (For all categories listed below this box.)
Drawing Requirements for Building Permit Application
- Approved Site Plan (agreement & drawings)
- Approved lot grading, drainage and servicing plan
- Construction Drawings showing:
- Foundation plans
- Floor plans (one per floor where applicable)
- Floor and Roof structural plans
- Elevation details
- Building Section(s)
- Window & door / hardware schedules, where applicable
- Room finish schedules, where applicable
- Wall sections and/or details, where applicable
- Mechanical drawings (plumbing and HVAC)
- Electrical drawings (lighting and fire alarm system)
- Sprinkler drawings, where applicable
- Standpipe drawings, where applicable
- Gross floor area calculations
- Fully completed application form including Schedule 1 Designer Information
- Commitment to General Reviews by Architect and Engineers, where applicable
Cost of building permit
Refer to Fees & Charges: Various Services By-Law, Schedule “B” (PDF) for most recent fees. We accept cheque, cash, debit or electronic transfer to as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the building permit and building inspections.
Development Charges:
- Township of Wellington North Development Charges By-Law (PDF)
- County of Wellington Development Charges
- Upper Grand District School Board Education Development Charges
- Wellington Catholic District School Board Education Development Charges
Processing Time Line
Once a complete permit application is received, the permit will be reviewed within a maximum of 20 business days.
Required Building Inspections
Building inspections are booked a minimum of 24 hours in advance, by calling (519) 848-3620, Extension 5. YOU MUST QUOTE YOUR PERMIT NUMBER TO BOOK THE INSPECTION.
Required inspections may include:
- Excavation/footing inspection – Once the holes have been dug, but prior to concrete being poured
- Substantial completion of footings and foundation prior to commencement of backfilling
- Sewage connection prior to backfill
- Structural Framing inspection – Once the framing is complete (posts, beams, joists)
- Substantial completion of all fire separations and closures and all fire protection systems
- Drainage systems and venting systems
- Substantial completion of insulation, vapour barriers and air barriers
- Final Building inspection – Completion of the project.
Additional Reference Material
Drawing Requirements for Building Permit Application
- Approved Site Plan (agreement & drawings)
- Approved lot grading, drainage and servicing plan
- Construction Drawings showing:
- Foundation plans
- Floor plans (one per floor & including framing)
- Floor and Roof structural plans
- Elevation details
- Cross Section(s)
- Window & door / hardware schedules, where applicable
- Room finish schedules, where applicable
- Mechanical drawings (plumbing and HVAC)
- Electrical drawings (lighting and fire alarm system)
- Sprinkler drawings, where applicable
- Standpipe drawings, where applicable
- Gross floor area calculations
- Fully completed application form
- Commitment to General Reviews by Architect and Engineers
Cost of building permit
Refer to Fees & Charges: Various Services By-Law, Schedule “B” for most recent fees. We accept cheque, cash, debit or electronic transfer to as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the building permit and building inspections.
Development Charges:
- Township of Wellington North Development Charges By-Law (PDF)
- County of Wellington Development Charges
- Upper Grand District School Board Education Development Charges
- Wellington Catholic District School Board Education Development Charges
Processing Time Line
Once a complete permit application is received, the permit will be reviewed within a maximum of 15 business days.
Required Building Inspections
Building inspections are booked a minimum of 24 hours in advance, by calling (519) 848-3620, Extension 5. YOU MUST QUOTE YOUR PERMIT NUMBER TO BOOK THE INSPECTION.
Required inspections may include:
- Excavation/footing inspection – Once the holes have been dug, but prior to concrete being poured
- Substantial completion of footings and foundation prior to commencement of backfilling
- Sewage connection prior to backfill
- Structural Framing inspection – Once the framing is complete (posts, beams, joists)
- Substantial completion of all fire separations and closures and all fire protection systems
- Drainage systems and venting systems
- Substantial completion of insulation, vapour barriers and air barriers
- Completion of construction and installation of components required to permit the issue of an occupancy permit
- Final Building inspection – Completion of the project.
Additional Reference Material
Drawing Requirements for Building Permit Application
For Unserviced Properties
For Serviced Lots / Properties
- Site Drawing displaying:
- Proposed site of new construction
- Proposed location of septic system
- Proposed location of well
- Dimensions of property
- Any water courses or municipal drains in immediate area
- Hydro Lines – Show location, height and or depth of both overhead and underground lines
- Lot Grading Proposal (by surveyor) if lot is less than 1 ac. and within the urban boundary.
- Site Drawing displaying:
- Proposed site of new construction
- Dimensions of property
- Any water courses or municipal drains in immediate area
- Hydro Lines – Show location, height and or depth of both overhead and underground lines
- Lot Grading Proposal by surveyor.
- Construction Drawings showing:
- Foundation plans
- Floor plans (one per floor & including framing)
- Roof Framing Plan
- Elevation details
- Cross Section
- Lot grading, drainage and servicing plan, where applicable
- Gross floor area calculations
- Submit Septic Design showing:
- tank location and size
- leaching bed location and size
- calculations for design including percolation rate of soil
- Fully completed application form
- Construction Drawings showing:
- Foundation plans
- Floor plans (one per floor & including framing)
- Roof Framing Plan
- Elevation details
- Cross Section
- Lot grading, drainage and servicing plan where applicable
- Gross floor area calculations
- Fully completed application form
Cost of building permit
Refer to Fees & Charges: Various Services By-Law, Schedule “B” for most recent fees. We accept cheque, cash, debit or electronic transfer to as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the building permit and building inspections.
Development Charges:
- Township of Wellington North Development Charges By-Law (PDF)
- County of Wellington Development Charges
- Upper Grand District School Board Education Development Charges
- Wellington Catholic District School Board Education Development Charges
Processing Time Line
Once a complete permit application is received, the permit will be reviewed within a maximum of 10 business days.
Required Building Inspections
Building inspections are booked a minimum of 24 hours in advance, by calling (519) 848-3620, Extension 5. YOU MUST QUOTE YOUR PERMIT NUMBER TO BOOK THE INSPECTION.
Required inspections may include:
- Excavation/footing inspection – Once the holes have been dug, but prior to concrete being poured
- Substantial completion of footings and foundation prior to commencement of backfilling
- Sewage connection prior to backfill
- Structural Framing inspection – Once the framing is complete (posts, beams, joists)
- Substantial completion of all fire separations and closures and all fire protection systems
- Drainage systems and venting systems
- Substantial completion of insulation, vapour barriers and air barriers
- Completion of construction and installation of components required to permit the issue of an occupancy permit
- Final Building inspection – Completion of the project.
Additional Reference Material
- Site Drawing displaying:
Drawing Requirements for Building Permit Application
For Unserviced Properties
For Serviced Lots / Properties
- Approved Site Plan (agreement & drawings)
- Approved lot grading, drainage and servicing plan
- Approved Site Plan (agreement & drawings)
- Approved lot grading, drainage and servicing plan
- Construction Drawings showing:
- Foundation plans
- Floor plans (one per floor & including framing)
- Roof Framing Plan
- Elevation details
- Cross Section
- Gross floor area calculations
- Submit Septic Design showing:
- tank location and size
- leaching bed location and size
- calculations for design including percolation rate of soil
- Fully completed application form
- Construction Drawings showing:
- Foundation plans
- Floor plans (one per floor & including framing)
- Roof Framing Plan
- Elevation details
- Cross Section
- Gross floor area calculations
- Fully completed application form
Cost of building permit
Refer to Fees & Charges: Various Services By-Law, Schedule “B” (PDF) for most recent fees. We accept cheque, cash, debit or electronic transfer to as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the building permit and building inspections.
Development Charges:
- Township of Wellington North Development Charges By-Law (PDF)
- County of Wellington Development Charges
- Upper Grand District School Board Education Development Charges
- Wellington Catholic District School Board Education Development Charges
Processing Time Line
Once a complete permit application is received, the permit will be reviewed within a maximum of 10 business days.
Required Building Inspections
Building inspections are booked a minimum of 24 hours in advance, by calling (519) 848-3620, Extension 5. YOU MUST QUOTE YOUR PERMIT NUMBER TO BOOK THE INSPECTION.
Required inspections may include:
- Excavation/footing inspection – Once the holes have been dug, but prior to concrete being poured
- Substantial completion of footings and foundation prior to commencement of backfilling
- Sewage connection prior to backfill
- Structural Framing inspection – Once the framing is complete (posts, beams, joists)
- Substantial completion of all fire separations and closures and all fire protection systems
- Drainage systems and venting systems
- Substantial completion of insulation, vapour barriers and air barriers
- Completion of construction and installation of components required to permit the issue of an occupancy permit
- Final Building inspection – Completion of the project.
Additional Reference Material
Requirements for Building Permit Application
For Unserviced Properties
For Serviced Lots / Properties
- Site Drawing displaying:
- Existing residence
- Proposed site of new construction
- Location of existing septic system
- Location of well
- Dimensions of property
- Any water courses or municipal drains in immediate area
- Hydro Lines – Show location, height and or depth of both overhead and underground lines
- Site Drawing Showing:
- Existing residence
- Proposed site of new construction
- Setbacks to property lines
- Construction Drawings showing:
- Foundation plans
- Floor plans (one per floor & including framing)
- Roof Framing Plan
- Elevation details
- Cross Section
- Lot grading, drainage and servicing plan, where applicable
- Gross floor area calculations
- Submit Septic Design when required:
- Additions that increase floor area by 15%
- Adding bedroom
- Adding bathroom
- Any one of the above can increase septic requirements
- Where a Septic Design is required, provide:
- tank location and size
- leaching bed location and size
- calculations for design including percolation rate of soil
- Fully completed application form
- Construction Drawings showing:
- Foundation plans
- Floor plans (one per floor & including framing)
- Roof Framing Plan
- Elevation details
- Cross Section
- Lot grading, drainage and servicing plan, where applicable
- Gross floor area calculations
- Fully completed application form
Cost of building permit
Refer to Fees & Charges: Various Services By-Law, Schedule “B” (PDF) for most recent fees. We accept cheque, cash, debit or electronic transfer to as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the building permit and building inspections.
Processing Time Line
Once a complete permit application is received, the permit will be reviewed within a maximum of 10 business days.
Required Building Inspections
Building inspections are booked a minimum of 24 hours in advance, by calling (519) 848-3620, Extension 5. YOU MUST QUOTE YOUR PERMIT NUMBER TO BOOK THE INSPECTION.
Required inspections may include:
- Excavation/footing inspection – Once the holes have been dug, but prior to concrete being poured
- Substantial completion of footings and foundation prior to commencement of backfilling
- Structural Framing inspection – Once the framing is complete (posts, beams, joists)
- Substantial completion of all fire separations and closures and all fire protection systems
- Drainage systems and venting systems
- Substantial completion of insulation, vapour barriers and air barriers
- Completion of construction and installation of components required to permit the issue of an occupancy permit
- Final Building inspection – Completion of the project.
Additional Reference Material
- Site Drawing displaying:
Drawing Requirements for a Building Permit Application
For Unserviced Properties
For Serviced Lots / Properties
- Site Drawing displaying:
- Proposed site of new construction
- Location of existing residence
- Location of existing septic system
- Location of well
- Dimensions of property
- Setbacks to property lines
- Any water courses or municipal drains in immediate area
- Hydro Lines – Show location, height and or depth of both overhead and underground lines
- Site Drawing Showing:
- Proposed site of new construction
- Location of existing residence
- Dimensions of property
- Setbacks to property lines
- Any water courses or municipal drains in immediate area
- Hydro Lines - Show location, height and or depth of both overhead and underground lines
- Construction Drawings showing:
- Foundation plans
- Floor plans (1 per floor & including framing)
- Roof Framing plan
- Elevation details
- Cross Section
- Gross floor area calculations
- Lot grading, drainage and servicing plan, where applicable
- Where a Septic Design is required, provide:
- tank location and size
- leaching bed location and size
- calculations for design including percolation rate of soil
- Fully completed application form
- Construction Drawings showing:
- Foundation plans
- Floor plans (1 per floor & including framing)
- Roof Framing plan
- Elevation details
- Cross Section
- Gross floor area calculations
- Lot grading, drainage and servicing plan, where applicable
- Fully completed application form
Cost of building permit
Refer to Fees & Charges: Various Services By-Law, Schedule “B” (PDF) for most recent fees.
We accept cheque, cash, debit or electronic transfer to as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the building permit and building inspections.
Processing Time Line
Once a complete permit application is received, the permit will be reviewed within a maximum of 10 business days.
Required Building Inspections
Building inspections are booked a minimum of 24 hours in advance, by calling (519) 848-3620, Extension 5. YOU MUST QUOTE YOUR PERMIT NUMBER TO BOOK THE INSPECTION.
Required inspections include:
- Excavation/footing inspection – Once the holes have been dug, but prior to concrete being poured
- Substantial completion of footings and foundation prior to commencement of backfilling
- Structural Framing inspection – Once the framing is complete (posts, beams, joists)
- Substantial completion of insulation, vapour barriers and air barriers
- Final Building inspection – Completion of the project.
Additional Reference Material
- Site Drawing displaying:
Drawing Requirements for Building Permit Application
- Site Drawing displaying:
- Building layout on property
- Indicate the building and location on the building that solar panels will be installed
- Show location and height of hydro lines
- Construction Drawings
- Racking system drawing from installer
- Racking system connection to building
- Structural Engineers Reports
- Roof system (trusses etc.)
- Racking system connection to building
- Fully completed application form
- Commitment to General Reviews by Architect and Engineers
Cost of building permit
Refer to Fees & Charges: Various Services By-Law, Schedule “B” (PDF) for most recent fees. We accept cheque, cash, debit or electronic transfer to as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the building permit and building inspections.
Processing Time Line
Once a complete permit application is received, the permit will be reviewed within a maximum of 10 business days.
Required Building Inspections
Building inspections are booked a minimum of 24 hours in advance, by calling (519) 848-3620, Extension 5. YOU MUST QUOTE YOUR PERMIT NUMBER TO BOOK THE INSPECTION.
Required inspections may include:
- Final Building inspection – Completion of the project.
Additional Reference Material
- Site Drawing displaying:
Drawing Requirements for Building Permit Application
- Site Plan Showing the following information:
- Building layout on property
- Distances from roadways, lot lines, septic tank and bed (if applicable)
- Proposed site of new buildings, pool and pool enclosure
- Height of pool enclosure
- Location of lockable, self-latching gates
- Any water courses or municipal drains in immediate area
- Lot grading by an Ontario Land Surveyor or Professional Engineer
- Hydro Lines - show location, height and or depth of both overhead and underground lines
- Gas, Bell, Cable lines etc.
- Type:
- In ground
- Partial in ground
- Above ground
- Temporary
- Type:
Building Requirements
- Location: minimum of 16 feet away from septic tank and bed
- Enclosure:
- 5 foot high enclosure required
- non-climbable
- lockable gates / self-latching
- Fully completed application form
Cost of building permit
Refer to Fees & Charges: Various Services By-Law, Schedule “B” (PDF) for most recent fees. We accept cheque, cash, debit or electronic transfer to as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the building permit and building inspections.
Processing Time Line
Once a complete permit application is received, the permit will be reviewed within a maximum of 10 business days.
Required Building Inspections
Building inspections are booked a minimum of 24 hours in advance, by calling (519) 848-3620, Extension 5. YOU MUST QUOTE YOUR PERMIT NUMBER TO BOOK THE INSPECTION.
Required inspections may include:
- Final Building inspection – Completion of the project.
Additional Reference Material
Requirements for Building Permit Application
A building permit is required for a tent or group of tents that is more than 60 m² (645 sq. ft.) in aggregate ground area.
The supporting framing structure and anchorage system for a tent occupying an area greater than 225 m² (2421.88 sq. ft.) shall be designed and reviewed by a professional engineer.
The following information is required in order to make an application for a building permit.
Drawing Requirements for Building Permit Application
- Copy of property survey or site plan showing:
- The location of all existing buildings on the property
- The location and dimensions of the tent
- The setbacks (distance) from property lines and existing buildings
- The location of any ‘designated’ fire routes on the property
- Plans and specifications which proved the following information:
- Manufacturer’s specifications providing verification that the tent conforms to CAN/ULC S-109M “Standard for Flame Tests of Flame Resistant Fabrics and Films” or NFPA 701 “Standard Method of Fire Tests for Flame-Resistant Textiles and Films”.
- Specifications stamped by a professional engineer shall be provided for the supporting framing structure and anchorage system for all tents.
- Occupant load – The maximum number of people permitted to occupy the tent.
- Seating – If seating is provided show the number and arrangement of seats.
- Exits – Indicate the number of sides of the tent to be left open. If all sides are closed show the location and width of exits.
- Completed building permit application “Permit to Construct or Demolish”. The “description of work” line must include the dimensions on the tent, the words “temporary tent” and the duration of time for which the tent is to remain on site. (i.e. 40 foot x 40 foot Temporary Tent, August 6 to 12)
Cost of building permit
Refer to Fees & Charges: Various Services By-Law, Schedule “B” (PDF) for most recent fees. We accept cheque, cash, debit or electronic transfer to as methods of payment. This includes the review of drawings, the building permit and building inspections.
Processing Time Line
Once a complete permit application is received, the permit will be reviewed within a maximum of 10 business days.
Required Building Inspections
Building inspections are booked a minimum of 24 hours in advance, by calling (519) 848-3620, Extension 5. YOU MUST QUOTE YOUR PERMIT NUMBER TO BOOK THE INSPECTION.
Required inspections may include:
- Final Building inspection – Completion of the project.
Additional Reference Material
- Copy of property survey or site plan showing: