body of water

Environmental Services

Watermain Flushing Notice.  The Township of Wellington North Environmental Services Department will be performing maintenance watermain flushing in Arthur and Mount Forest on a regular basis, see attached notice for details and schedule.     Watermain Flushing Notice.pdf

Who We Are

The Township's Environmental Services Department consists of the Manager, Environmental and Development Services; Process Compliance Analyst; and four licensed Water & Sewer Operators that are certified under the Ministry of Environment, Conservation & Parks (MECP).

What We Do

This department is responsible for all aspects of the Township's drinking water and wastewater systems operations in Arthur and Mount Forest as well as the small water systems at the Township Office in Kenilworth and the Damascus Hall. Currently the Ontario Clean Water Agency (OCWA) is contracted to operate the Waste Water Treatment Plants located in Arthur and Mount Forest. For more information visit the Drinking Water or Wastewater section on this website.

Our Hours

The Environmental Services Department staff provides 24/7 coverage for the Arthur and Mount Forest drinking water and wastewater systems.

Regular working hours are Monday to Friday 7:30am - 4:00pm.

After Hours, on Weekends and on Statutory Holidays designated operators are on-call.

Contact Us