WELLINGTON NORTH - The Township of Wellington North is pleased to invite all volunteers and newcomers in our community to join us on Thursday, May 1 for a Volunteer Celebration and Newcomer Welcome.
This celebration will be held between 4:30-7:00 p.m. at the Arthur and Area Community Centre (158 Domville Street, Arthur). The event will include displays from a variety of community organizations, Mayor’s welcome, presentations and cake cutting starting at 5:00pm with a catered dinner at 5:30 p.m. If you have recently moved to the area this is an opportunity to learn more about your community, ask questions and receive a welcome bag full of useful information and goodies. You can also grab a recycling bin if you have not already done so!
This is a free event, however, registration will be required, and can be completed at the following Eventbrite link up until April 17: https://WNVolunteerNewcomerEvent2025.eventbrite.com
You can also register by contacting Mike Wilson at mwilson@wellington-north.com or 519-848-3620 ext. 4236.
This celebration corresponds with National Volunteer Week, which runs from April 27 to May 3. During this week, the Township of Wellington North honours the invaluable contributions of volunteers, recognizing their actions, understanding, and genuine concern for the community. Local volunteers come from diverse backgrounds, including young people, families, workers, and retirees. Their collective efforts contribute to the health and wellbeing of our community, making it a more desirable place to live.
“Volunteers are the heart of Wellington North, and we look forward to recognizing and celebrating volunteerism in our community, and also welcoming our newcomers and showing that Wellington North is a great place to live, work and raise a family,” said Mayor Andy Lennox. “We encourage you to come out and join us on May 1 at the Arthur and Area Community Centre.”
Media Contact:
Mike Wilson
Community Development Coordinator
519-848-3620 ext. 4236