Wellington North Resident Questionnaire

March 14, 2025
Wellington North Resident Questionnaire

The Township of Wellington North is dedicated to enhancing your quality of life by delivering exceptional services. With ongoing growth, we're committed to wisely investing your tax dollars in vital infrastructure such as roads, bridges, water systems, parks, and recreational facilities. Your input is invaluable for effective strategic planning and asset management.
We invite you to participate in our Resident Questionnaire, a brief 9-minute survey, to share your opinions on our community’s strengths and weaknesses, and to provide feedback on our future priorities. The insights gathered will shape our proposed service levels and asset management plan, complying with Ontario Regulation 588/17, which requires all municipalities to create and maintain a comprehensive asset management policy.

Please fill in the Wellington North Resident Questionnaire 
(This is a Survey Monkey survey at URL https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/K7V5VBC  ) 
The survey will close on April 11, 2025, at 9:00 a.m.

We thank you in advance for your valuable contribution. If you have questions about the questionnaire, please contact Samial Tunio, stunio@wellington-north.com