The Township of Wellington North has a servicing agreement whereby Wellington North Power Inc. (WNP) manages the billing and collection of water and sewer services on behalf of the Township. WNP is the electricity distributor servicing the urban areas of Arthur, Mount Forest and Holstein. In 2024, Township Council directed staff to move to a more proactive account resolution process involving landlords/property directly.
Why is this change in policy being made and who approved it?
In May 2024, Council approved the direction to move towards a policy whereby all water and sewer services are to remain the responsibility of property owners and landlords. This change was made due to the increasing amount of arrears that the Township had to write off because of unpaid water and sewer bills. This represents a cost to the tax-payer and impact to the general tax levy.
How has this been communicated to property owners/landlords and tenants?
Starting in early 2024, WNP provided communication to both property owners and tenants to let them know of the change and that tenant accounts in arears would be transferred to the property owner/landlord, so that they could address the arrears.
If my tenant does not pay their water and sewer bill, what happens?
WNP follow a diligent collections process with tenants receiving telephone calls, e-mails and letters when their account is in arrears. If the water/sewer services are still unpaid 28 days after the Payment Due Date, the account will be transferred to the property/owner for action. If the account is not paid at this time, the outstanding amount will be added to the property taxes in the following year.
Why can’t the Township turn off the water?
The Township has consulted with Public Health, who have confirmed that water is considered a “vital service” and cannot be turned off by the Municipality because having no running water would be considered a “health hazard” (see Residential Tenancies Act and the Health Protection and Promotion Act). In addition, there are several logistical considerations that make turning off the water (especially in multi-unit situations) impractical or impossible (without impacting other water users in the building).
What if my tenant is in good standing?
Current tenants in good standing will not be affected.
I have a new tenant moving into my property – what happens now?
If a new tenant is moving into a unit, the water and sewer account must be set-up with the property owner/landlord. Alternatively, WNP will transfer the services when (if) the tenant notifies them that they are moving out of the unit.
How can I include the water and sewer bill amount in the lease with my tenant?
Landlords can include the water and sewer amounts in the monthly rent (as it is a fixed amount) or they may chose to reference this charge outside of the monthly lease/rental amount. For more information on how to include appropriate wording in lease agreements, please visit: the Federation of Rental Housing Providers of Ontario (external link)
What if I have multiple rental properties or properties with multiple units
Property owners can request to switch all units over at one time, that allows for a more convenient/streamlined administrative approach.
Please note, the Property Owner will only receive 1 bill per month from WNP billed at the number of units multiplied by the water and sewer rates (not one bill per unit).
What if my unit/building is vacant?
If a tenant vacates a unit/building and the unit/building is empty, WNP will pause water and sewer billing IF THE HYDRO IS ALSO DISCONNECTED.
How are water and sewer rates determined?
The Township's water and sewer rates are determined in the Township of Wellington North’s Rates and Fees By-law. The Township completes a Rates and Charges Study for Water and Wastewater services every 5 years and this sets the base amount plus the expected increases for the term of the study. The next Rates and Charges Study will be completed by the Township in 2025.
Is the Township going to implement water meters?
The Township uses meters for Industrial, Commercial and Institutional (ICI) water users. Residential units are not metered (with some exceptions existing where ICI is attached).
What will happen to the “house accounts” that I had to pay for previously as a property owner?
With all accounts eventually transitioning to the property/landowner, staff are recommending a more detailed review of the “house accounts” with recommendations being brought back to Council for consideration in the future.