Thursday, November 14, 2024
At the November 4, 2024 meeting, the Council of the Township of Wellington North supported a staff recommendation to opt out of licensing dogs.
In 2019, the municipality contracted with a third-party provider for the provision of dog license sales, creating efficiencies in the way the service was delivered for pet owners. Despite that, licensing sales have declined 57% between 2017 and 2023, leaving taxpayers in general paying for animal control services as opposed to owners.
Clearly the resources and costs for the licensing program in conjunction with the declining revenues are no longer commensurate with the benefits and value provided to the community or pet owners.
Historically, the purpose of dog licensing has been to identify and re-unite lost dogs with their owners and licensing was the most effective way to provide this service. However, new tools have emerged that have significantly changed how lost dogs are identified including microchipping, tattooing, social media and personally engraved tags.
Owners of dogs, under the canine control by-law must microchip, tattoo or affix a personalized tag or collar on their dog, at their own expense. Stray dogs will continue to be picked up and impounded at the owner’s expense.
The dangerous dog by-law will still be in effect. Any cruelty to animals or puppy mills are enforced through the Provincial Animal Welfare Services (PAWS). Illegal kennels are enforced through our zoning by-law.
Animal Cruelty PAWS 1-833-9-ANIMAL.
Illegal Kennels 1-519-848-3620 ext 4227
Stray dogs 1-519-509-9985
Vicious dogs 1-519-509-9985
Karren Wallace, Clerk
519-848-3620 ext. 4227
Township of Wellington North